Jakovljevic Mihajlo, Groot Wim & Souliotis Kyriakos
Abstract: Over the course or early decades of twenty-first century, global economic growth has been driven largely by developing world economies. Those characterized with strong and sustainable real GPD growth were characterized by the Brookings Institute, Goldman Sachs and leading multilateral agencies as “Emerging“ Markets led by so-called BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa) and MINT (Mexico, Indonesia, South Korea, Turkey) countries. Such changes inevitably reflected the global health arena. A number of issues previously limited to established high-income economies became popularly discussed topics on the agendas of public health policymakers across these regions. Major challenges remain population aging, rising incidence of prosperity diseases, lack of universal insurance coverage, and particularly provision of just and equitable access to medical care among the poor both in urban and rural communities. A significant part of the difficulties faced by these societies is attributed to inefficient resource allocation strategies in health care and unsatisfactory funding strategies.
Front. Public Health, 10, 01-03, 2022 DOI: https://doi.org/10.3389/fpubh.2022.1054409