The Health Policy Partnership

Abstract: The depression scorecard is a tool that aims to support the assessment of national-level performance in key aspects of policy, delivery and care for people with depression. The framework that underpins the scorecard was developed based on an international literature review and consultation with an expert advisory group. The scorecard framework has been applied to various countries by The Health Policy Partnership, in collaboration with experts, with national-level findings summarised in individual scorecard reports. The findings for this report were developed based on an in-depth literature review. This scorecard focuses on Greece.

This depression scorecard was drafted by Chris Melson and Jody Tate of The Health Policy Partnership, based on research provided by the Health Policy Institute in Greece. We are grateful to members of the Depression Scorecard Advisory Group, who volunteered their time to provide the guidance and feedback that shaped the original assessment framework:

  • Julian Beezhold, European Psychiatric Association
  • Liesbeth Borgermans, University of Ghent
  • Doina Cozman, Romanian Association of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy
  • Massimo Di Giannantonio, Italian Society of Psychiatry
  • Kevin Jones, European Federation of Associations of Families of People with Mental Illness (EUFAMI)
  • Raluca Nica, Global Alliance of Mental Illness Advocacy Networks-Europe (GAMIAN-Europe)

The Health Policy Partnership (HPP) is an independent research organisation working with partners across the health spectrum to drive the policy and system changes that will improve people’s health. Please cite this document as:

The Health Policy Partnership. 2023. Depression scorecard: Greece. London: The Health Policy Partnership.

Further information can be found here where you can also download the depression scorecards in English and several local languages.